Interesting things #5 ?>

Interesting things #5


Things that teens need to know about their amazing, changing brain and how it impacts their emotions and behaviour


Coco-Cola put out a new video ad demonstrating emotional contagion (laughter) on a train.  Expressing emotions (any) can be contagious, so be careful what you’re putting out and what you’re taking on.


Dieting? Saving? Planning ‘naughty days’ helps people felt more motivated and strengthens general feelings of self-control.  This article suggests that it may be useful to schedule a cheat day in once a week when you’re trying to achieve a frugal goal.


There have been increases in the incidence of anxiety and depression in young people over many decades.  Possible reasons may include feeling like they have no control over their fate, they may have become more interested in getting material goods to feel good, rather than feeling good because of purposeful personal development, or perhaps because rich free-play time has been pushed aside for (supposed) academic gains.


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